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3rd Ind.

Langley Field, Va., Feb. 5, 1923.-To Commanding General, THIRD CORPS AREA, Baltimore, Md. (Through Commanding Officer, Langley Field.)

1. All papers in the case referred to above are returned herewith, as directed.

2. encl

Major, Air Service

1. Letter with 10 inducments, & letters of recom.
2. Letter dated Jun. 22 '22

Basic Letter - Mimeo from Jan. 2, '23 - Hg. 3.C.A.

Subj. Appl. for Primeo.
1. Sept. 14-22 - papers pertain. to Capt. Coleman - forwarded by 8 ind. calling for exam. of above named R.O. To date papers in question have not been returned.
2. Attention invited to per 7-AR 340-15 AR. 1922
3. Request by inducement having status of core.

E.R. Householder
Asst. Adj.