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[[left margin]] Major Milling [/left margin]]
[[right margin]] Biog                             21972-81 [/right Margin]]

Headquarters Langley Field
Office of The Commanding Officer

July 16, 1924

Memorandum:- To All Concerned.

1. The following letter from the Commandant, The Army War College, dated June 17, 1924, to the Chief of Air Service Washington, D.C. is repeated for the information of all concerned.

Office of the Commandant

Washington Barracks, D.C.
June 17, 1924.

Subject: Appreciation of work performed by officers and men of Air Service. 

TO: The Chief of Air Service, Washington, D.C.

1. I desire to express to you my appreciation of the efficiency displayed by the officers and men of the Air Service who participated terrain exercises recently conducted by the Army War College at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

2. Our records show that the following officers took part, and it is requested that they, as well as the men in the organizations participating, be informed of the contents of this letter.

Major T. D. W. Milling 
Captain E. L. Nalden
Captain J. T. McNarney
First Lieutenant H. W. Cook
Major J. B. Brooks
* * *
Major H. W. Harms
Captain W. E. Lynd
Captain E. B. Lyon
First Lieutenant C. B. Austin
Captain R. H. Wooten
First Lieutenant I. Davies
Major A. L. Sneed
First Lieutenant P. E. Burrows
First Lieutenant J. L Grisham
First Lieutenant J. M. Davies
Major J. N. Reynolds
* * *
Captain E. W. Black
Captain W. H. Hale 
Lieutenant R. F. Colo 
Lieutenant H. A. Craig
Lieutenant C. W. Ford
Lieutenant T. V. [[?]]
Lieutenant H. N. [[?]]
Lieutenant A. Hornsby
Lieutenant C. C. McDonald
Lieutenant R. K. Stoner [[spelling]]
Lieutenant C. L. Williams
* * *
Captain E. W. Duncan 
Lieutenant B. T. Burt, Jr.
Lieutenant R. H. Finley
Lieutenant G. F. Finter,
* * *