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[[underlined]]B. STUDENTS. (CONTINUED):[[/underlined]]
(2) Until conditions change, the class at the School will be held to a maximum of twenty-five.
(3) The policy of allowing foreign students to attend will be continued, but the State Department will be advised that only those officers thoroughly qualified to speak, read, and write the English language should be designated.
(4) No officers of the National Guard or the Organized Reserves will be detailed to the School for special courses.
(5) Reference to paragraph 2-b of the report of the Director of Instructions, the principle contained therein is considered correct, but must be applied only after consideration of the qualifications of the members of each particular class. In future, when all students of the Tactical School will be graduates of the Primary and Advances Schools, this principle can undoubtedly be applied in full.

[[underlined]]C. FUNDS:[[/underlined]]
(1) Funds intended for the School will be so allotted.

[[underlined]]D. OPERATIONS[[/underlined]]
(1) The Commandant will make every effort to avoid interference with the prearranges schedule of the School, and, except in cases of the greatest necessity, the personnel thereof will not be required to engage in any activity that will interfere with their schedule.

4. Certain recommendations submitted by the Assistant Commandant and the Director of Instruction are not believed predictable or proper under present conditions, and are disapproved, as indicated below:
[[underlined]](a) ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION:[[/underlined]]
No change in the present organization or administration of the command of Langley Field and the Tactical School will be made.
[[underlined]](b) TABLE OF ORGANIZATION:[[/underlined]]
Due to the present shortage of personnel in the Air Serfie, and the limited capacity of the Tactical School, no action, for the present, will be taken upon the table of organization submitted.

By order of the Chief of Air Service:
                              (Sgd) W. G. Kilner
                                    W. G. KILNER,

Transcription Notes:
serfice: kept the incorrect spelling as it appears this way in the original document