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G-4                                                     H G                                                     WGC
                                           April 28, 1926.


Subject: Comments on G-3/13800-201 "Analysis of comments by Chiefs of Branches on H.R. 10827. (Proposed Aviation Legislation) (OCS) 16125-129.

1. The G-3 study sets forth the comments of the various Chiefs of Branches in two groups, vis.,(a) general comments and (b) comments on the several sections of the will.
2. General comments:
The Chief of Infantry, Chief of Field Artillery, Chief of Coast Artillery, and Chief of Chemical Warfare Service, stress the point that the Air Service should not be increased at the expense of other branches. It is brought out that at present appropriations are not adequate for the efficient functioning of their branches and that increased appropriations for the Army will be required if the proposed legislation is enacted into law.  The Chief of Field Artillery expresses himself emphatically on this point both in regard to personnel and material; be believes the present shortage in Air Service officers would have been remedied by adopting the means used by him in connection with transfers from other branches. 

The Chief of Infantry, Chief of Field Artillery, Chief of Engineers, believe the proposed bill favors the personnel of the Air Service unduly and that it is in the nature of class legislation.

The Surgeon General claims his present personnel is inddequate and that more will be required if the Air Service is increased. He requests an increase of 52 officers and 348 enlisted men.

The Chief of Chaplains claims that 6 additional chaplains will be required.

The Adjutant General and The Judge Advocate General state that the proposed increases will result in some additional work for their offices.

Comments on certain sections of H.R. 10827 and Report No. 700,69th Congress, 1st Session:

(a)Section 2 Page 2 Line 7 Change 2
Action recommended by G-4 - Strike out the last word