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then because those who seek the promotion in peace know that experience is needed in war.
A law which makes a single physical qualification the sole qualification for an officer is essentially unsound. A similar rule would have excluded the hunchback, Marshal Luxemburg, and the consumptive, William of Orange; and the epilepetic, consumptive, Napoleon, from command in timeof peace. Physical qualifications are necessary but vary with the position held. Leadership, tactical skill, administrative ability, and experience, which comes only with age and as physical ability falls off, are more important the higher the position. Except in pursuit planes, there are two or more men. A man of good judgment and experience is better to direct, even though he be not a pilot, than some less able but more agile youth. The crying need of the Air Corps now is for experienced officers. In the very nature of things we must transfer the officers or wait thirty years to build up an experienced copps of officers in the Air Corps. We should not wait. The change in verbiage meets all the conditions complained of and is essential to a sound handling of our air problems.

(e) Section 2. Page 3. Lines 11 to 20. Change No. 7. 
Action recommended by G-4. Concurrence.
The Chief of Infantry recommends all extra pay for flying be discontinued and that insurance for dependents be substituted.
The Chief of Field Artillery believes that the change which provides flying pay for those required to participate in regular and frequent flights, regardless of flying rating, is desirable. He recommends changes in law and regulations which will define clearly what is meant by "regular and frequent flights". He submits proposed changes.(page 12)
G-4 considers that flying pay is vocational insurance and may be replaced by other insurance but considers the present time inopportune to make any change.
(f) Section 2. From Line 23, page 3, to line 3, page,4, Change No. 8.
Action recommended by G-4; Concurrence.
The Chief of Field Artillery concurs but thinks the effect will be to increase rather than decrease the cost of the Air Corps. (The Committee Report states this provision will have the effect of decreasing the cost).
The Chief of Air Service is opposed to this change. He believes this is an administrative matter and should not be included in the law. He considers that it might be undesirable and a source of embarrasment to require that at least 20% of the total number of pilots in tactical units be enlisted men.