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(1) Section 7. Page 8.

Action recommended by G-4: Elimination of the entire section.

The Chief of Infantry believes the qualifications required for Chief of the Air Corps are not sufficiently requiring in comparison with other branches and will permit the appointment of comparatively junior offices.

The chief of Field Artillery considers it unwise to establish a standard difference from other branches. He suggests a provision applicable to all chiefs of branches. 

The Chief of Coast Artillery believes the Chief of the Air Corps should be placed in a category different from other Chiefs of Branches as to selection.

The Adjutant General thinks the provision is objectionable in that it is special legislation for a single branch. he also believes that selection for a chief of branch should not be confined to that branch as it restricts the President in his selections.  He considers, however, that the period of 22 years service required for eligibility is preferable to requiring selections from the grade of colonel.

G-4 believes that the method of appointment should be uniform for All arms.  The present method has proved very satisfactory and should not be changed.

(m) Section 8, page 8.
Action recommended by G-4: Concurrence.
The Chief of Field Artillery anticipates the expenses connected with this section as well as Sections 10 and 11 will ultimately come from the apportionment now made for the Military Establishment.

G-4 believes that if care is taken to make proper change in all cases no increase in cost will result, and that the encouragement of commercial aviation is essential to a good national defense.

(n) Section 9. Page 9.
Action recommended by G-4: Add to the section:
"Whosoever shall violate such rules and regulations shall, upon conviction thereof in a court of the United States, suffer such penalty as the court may direct; provided, that when the evidence shows espionage the penalty shall be not less than thirty years' imprisonment in a penitentiary."

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