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SERIAL NO.               PAGE 4. 

(1) Conservative - based on past approval practice which can be put in production in case of war. 
(2) Radical - new, and even freak development which holds any promise. 

III. Liaison Board
The primary function of the Liaison Board is to coordinate the efforts of the Engineering and Tactical Boards. Its secondary purpose will be to act as mediators or arbiters in the development of means of aerial defense. These duties will include the follow up of the equipment developed through its experimental stage, testing and actual service use in order that a true perspective of the contributions of both elements, the Tactical and Engineering Boards, may be determined. 
The personnel of the Liaison Board should be constituted of men who are essentially executives and also have a general knowledge within its membership of all stages of development including design, construction, and test and maintenance.

From the foregoing it is evident that the underlying principle should be to base experimental development on tactical requirements, which means concretely:
1. That the problem of tactical requirements be formulated. 
2. That the tactical requirements be transmitted to the Engineering Board as a specific problem. 
3. That, through the above, the actual accomplishments of both Engineering and Tactical Boards be measured. 
4. That tactical and engineering development, progressing simultaneously in collaboration, increase production. 
5. That a considerable economy in time, money and effort in the expeditious production of equipment be effected.