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Although the Infantry is considered the controlling factor with an army in the field, it is not expected to carry out successful operations unless accompanied by other combatant branches.  Though the battleship, by naval authorities, is considered the backbone of the fleet, it is dependent upon its accompanying cruisers, destroyers, submarines and auxiliaries if it is to be successful in an engagement.  In the same manner, the Air Force in its operations against air, land or sea forces must provide for proper cooperation between its various components.

Pursuit, attack and bombardment are combat aviation; observation, auxiliary.  Pursuit has the primary job of air fighting.  It must be imbued with an aggressive and offensive spirit, and seeks out and forces the hostile aviation to give battle, destroys or neutralizes it, and thus secures freedom of action for all friendly air units and ground and naval forces.

Attack operates at low altitude, using machine guns, light bombs and chemical weapons, principally against personnel and light material on the ground, small naval vessels and range finding devices and secondary batteries on warship and neutralizes enemy anti-aircraft installations Against airdromes on land [[strike through]] and aircraft carriers it provides an efficient means method for the destruction of aircraft at rest.

Bombardment is the striking force of the air against hostile military and naval objectives.  Launching heavy projectiles from aircraft in flight, it provides the most efficient and accurate means known of attacking the enemy and his vital points.  It not only accomplishes material destruction but greatly affects the morale of the forces attacked, 
