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making its own repairs. The Farman has the greatest number, about 25, the remainder about 12 each. 
    8. Center of Villacoublay. 
Villacoublay is the second largest center of civilian aviation in France as regards the number of schools in operation, and the size of the flying fields. The civilian schools are; the Morane Saulnier (monoplane); Nieuport (monoplane); Breguet (biplane); and Astra (biplane);. Located on the same field and adjacent to the civilian schools are the following military squadrons:-one Nieuport, and one Breguet. 

Two weeks were spent in Villacoublay attending the Morane school and inspecting the equipment and work of all the above mentioned schools and organizations. Each of the companies mentioned have their own flying field. The average size of each is at least two square miles, and as they are all within a short distance of each other, good ground is available in case of a forced landing. The surrounding country is one immense plane of meadows and cultivated fields. Within an immediate radius of 8 to 12 miles, no difficulty should be experienced in making a forced landing from an altitude of 500 feet. 

The equipment of the Morane consists of 3 "taxi-penguins"; 6 school machines equipped with Anzani motors, ranging in power from 30 to 50 H.P., and 15 high powered machines equipped with Gnome and LeRhone motors of from 50 to 160 H.P. The aeroplane sheds are of wood, having a capacity of about thirty machines. The workshops are capable of making all ordinary repairs and of rebuilding machines. The method of instruction is similar to that described for the Bleriot school, except that more attention