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in France. It is well equipped for such competitions. Located here is the Deperdussin school, and east of the town two miles distant the military center of Rheims. 

The field is one of the largest in France being four miles long, three wide at one end and two at the other. All buildings are located at the narrow end. The ground is level, and surrounding country ideal for cross country work.

Due to the failure of A. Deperdussin, the school is small, there being only four low powered machines, and four ranging in power from 50 to 80 H.P. equipped with Gnome motos. The aeroplane sheds are of brick, 42 in number, capable of holding one large or two small machines each; a complete workshop used principally for the repair of Army machines from the adjacent center; a store room with a complete stock of spare parts of all kinds; a hotel and small buildings for workmen's quarters and offices. Several of the sheds are used for army machines. 

The method of instruction is similar to that described for monoplanes. 

As compared to the Bleriot and Morane, the machine requires a much longer ground distance in rising and landing, and is not so steady in the air. This latter fault is undoubtedly due to the stiffness of the wing covering. While this does not constitute a serious defect, I was informed by the pilots that more work is required on the controls to keep the machine in equilibrium than in the case of other standard monoplanes.

10. The following factories are the best in France now engaged in the manufacture of aeroplanes:-Bleriot, Morane, Saulnier, Farman Brothers, Borel, and Deperdussin. All are located in the immediate