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feet apart, the pilot seat being in front. It is equipped with a single control, consisting  of an upright lever, handle at top, and foot bar. By moving the lever to the left the right wing is warped, and in the opposite direction the left; forward and back for depressing and raising the elevator. Foot bar is pivoted in the center, the left or right side being pushed forward to turn the rudder in the same direction. Bleriot machines are used in nearly every country.

Morane Saulnier. Factory well equipped, employs about 40 men, and is capable of turning out 12 machines per month. I believe the construction of this machine to be the best of any monoplane in France. Construction throughout is of wood with the exception of the braces in the landing chassis, the motor bed, and framework of the vertical and horizontal rudders-these being of tubular steel, very strong but extremely light. Fittings are neater, heavier and stronger than the average. The most noticeable feature in the construction and assembling is the strength of the materials used, the care displayed by the workmen, and the simplicity and neatness of finish.

The principal types manufactured for military purposes are the "single seat" and "two place" types, equipped respectively with either 60 or 80 H.P. Gnome or LeRhone motors. The seats in the second type are in tandem, about 18 inches apart, with a single control placed for use of the pilot in the front seat. Ten of this type equipped with 80 H.P. LeRhone motors were ordered the first part of the year by the array. A third type, commonly known as the "parasol" on account of the wings being above the fuselage proved successful after 8 months experimental work. It is of the same size and power as the standard two seated --(seats in tandem, pilot in front seat),-but the seats are three feet apart. Wings are high enough above fuselage to allow of comfortable