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to the fuselage with a socket and hinge joint fitting which allows the wing to be turned about the front spar and folded back against the fuselage. Horizontal rudder is in three equal sections, cut perpendicular to its length, the end sections being hinged to the central, thus allowing it to be folded. Two men can prepare machine for road transportation in five minutes. The landing chassis and frame work of rudders and elevator are of metal tubing; remainder of wood. The hydro is considered the best of the monoplane type in France. It is used extensively by the British navy. It is equipped with three floats, two lar e in parallel, and one small under end of tail. The floats cannot be removed and replaced by wheels as they are too far apart and a different system of bracing is employed. The French Army in 1913 discontinued the use of this type of machine. Those in use were dismantled and stored at StCyr. No official reason was made public, but I learned unofficially that the machine was considered dangerous in landing on account of its weight. The pilots to whom I talked, claimed that the machine was a good flyer, and that the discontinuance was due to some disagreement between the Govt. and the manufacturers, and was not the fault of the machine itself.

Deperdussin. Factory complete; machinery new. Capacity 30 machines per month. Since the failure of A. Deperdussin in the summer of 1913, the business has been in the hadns of a syndicate, and the factory has not been running to its full capacity. The construction is good and follows to some extent, in the construction of the fuselage, the principle of the monocoque. Top of fuselage from rear seat to tail is one piece of thin spruce. The sides and bottom of the front are also enclosed by thin wooden panels which can be removed to facilitate making repairs or inspecting wires. The type of landing gear with