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"U" shaped braces, the wheels being attached at the base, is now employed on all types. This proved very successful on the racing type of machine. Both single and double seat types are manufactured, but Governments using the machine prefer the latter type. Two two-seat machines of the 80 H.P. Gnome type, were delivered to the Russian Govt. in March, and six to France in the early spring. At the end of 1913, the French army had purchased eighty machines of all types. 

11. All machines of whatever type constructed for the army are equipped with the necessary instruments used in reconnaissance work and cross-country flying. Those installed by the manufacturer are a compass, clock, map case, aneroid, and pad holder. Some are also equipped with a starting crank, wire for holding machine in place while starting, and other devices to facilitate ease of handling by one man on the ground.

12. The principal French dirigibles are the Astra, Clement Bayard, and Zodiac. The factories of all of these firms are located in the vicinity of Paris.

Astra.- The factory is capable of carrying on the construction of three ships simultaneously. About 60 men are employed, the majority of whom are metal and fabric workers. Practically no wood is used in the construction. Three to five months is requires to build the smaller types and from eight to ten months the larger. The workmanship on the details and finish of the cars and fabric is especially good. The cars are made of steel and aluminum, with the sides enclosed; two cars are employed on the largest types, others being equipped with one. The three principal types are as follows:-

Type "Astra XVII", small model, which can be constructed with a capacity of 2800 cu.m. to 4500cu.m., depending upon whether an increase in speed or radius of action is desired. This type is especially