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they have been more successful with dirigibles than with aeroplanes. 

The dirigibles are all of the non-rigid type, and all, regardless of size, are equipped with a single car. These are much longer than those employed on other types of the same size. Claim is made that with cards of this shape and size, the weight is better distributed, and increased stability obtained. The suspension cables are attached to a cable held in the envelope at a point midway up the sides. Steel and aluminum tubing is used in the construction of the framework of the car, as also in that of the rudders and stabilizing planes. These are assembled by screwing the tubing into fittings and then brazing. Brace wires are used to obtain rigidity. The common type of 9 and 10000 cu.m is equipped with two motors of 120 H.P., each driving a single propeller A third propeller is placed in a horizontal position directly above the car, which can be used when necessary to facilitate rising from, or landing in small grounds. Great efficiency is claimed for this method, especially as the driving propellers can be oriented and used in connection with the third. Workmanship on the cards, and especially on the transmission system is good. The outer covering of the envelope is of rubberized material, yellow in color, which color, it is claimed, protects the thin inner envelope from harmful sun rays. Provision is made in the front of the car for the installation of a radio set. Sufficient fuel can be carried for a cruise of 30 hours. 

The largest type manufactured is of 20,000 cu.m. Three of this type were under construction during January, two for the French and one for the Russian army. They will be equipped with four Clement Baynard motors of H.P. each. A single propeller will be driven by each motor, and as above, a fifth propeller will be used in a horizontal position above the car. An aluminum revolving matching gun platform will be