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experimental state, the remainder had proved their unreliability.

The Gnome Co. exhibited motors of every type from the 50 to the 200 H.P. These were all of the old double type valves with the exception of new models, one of seven cylinders 70 H.P.; the other of nine cylinders, 100 H.P., equipped with a single valve. Its description is given above under that of the Gnome factory.

The Renault Co. exhibited the 70 and 100 H.P. These motors are of the same type as those now owned by our Corps. It seems to be the general opinion that they have deteriorated very much in the last year.

The Rhone Co. exhibited a seven cylinder 60, a nine cylinder 80, a fourteen cylinder 120, and an eighteen cylinder 160. The general opinion of these motors has been referred to above.

The Salmson Co. Exhibited motors of every type from the 50 to 300 H.P. They are extremely well built, reliable, and one in which bearing trouble is practically unknown. It is of the radial type, water cooled, and its shape allows it to be mounted as neatly on a machine of the tractor type as a rotary motor. It is recognized as the best where an aeroplane motor of more than 80 H.P. is desired.

The Austro Daimler exhibited their usual types, the most popular of which is the 90 H.P. This is the same type of motor that our Govt. now owns. It is used very little in France and in consequence I have been unable to obtain any first hand information as to its performances in a plane. 

The Chenu Co. build motors chiefly for use on dirigibles, the principal types being equipped with them. The 90 and 250 H.P. types were exhibited. They are very much heavier than the ordinary aeroplane motor, solidly built and very reliable.