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Organization of Depots of Material, First Aeronautical Group.

Director - Colonel of Engineers.
(1) Aeronautical center of Versailles-St.Cyr, (1 chief) - Chief of Engineer Batt'n.
(2) Aeronautical center of Buc (provisional), (3) (1 Chief) - Captain of Infantry.
(3) Aeronautical center of Chauteaufort (provisional), (1 Chief) - Lieut. of Cavalry.
(4) Aeronautical center of Villacoublay (provisional), (1 Chief) - Lieut. of Vaisseau.
(5) Aeronautical cent of Etampes, (1 Chief) - Lieut. of Cavalry.
(6) Aeronautical Center of Toul, (1Chief) - Capt. of Infantry, Colonial.
(7) Aeronautical center of Nancy (annexed), (1 Chief) - Captain of Cavalry.
(8) Aeronautical Center of Biakra, (1 Chief) - Lieut. of Cavalry.
(9) Aeronautical Center of Casablanca-Fez, (1 Chief) - Lieut. of Infantry.

Organization of Depots of Material, Second Aeronautical Group.

Director, Lieut. Col. of Inf'y.
(1) Aeronautical Center of Douay, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Artillery.
(2) Aeronautical Center of Maubege, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Artillery.
(3) Aeronautical Center of Reims. (1 Chief) - Chief of Batt'n. Engineers.
(4) Aeronautical Center of Camp de Chalons, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Artillery.
(5) Aeronautical center of Verdum, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Engineers.

Organizations of Depots of Material, Third Aeronautical Group.

Director, Lieut, Col.
(1) Aeronautical center of Epinal, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Eng.
(2) Aeronautical center of Belfort, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Eng.
(3) Aeronautical center of Lyon, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Artillery.
(4) Aeronautical center of Avor, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Artillery.
(5) Aeronautical center of Pau, (1 Chief) - Capt. of Eng.