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machines employed, the proportion in each squadron varying; about three-fourths of the Farman being two-places, and one-fourth of the Borels two-place. A full quota of military aviators are not kept on duty, the number varying as they are needed at more important stations. No work as a squadron unit is carried on. The only duty of the members is to fly, and this is not compulsory. These flights were made in the vicinity of the field with no apparent object in view except the practice to be obtained.

The equipment of the Borel Squadron consists of 15 machines. The majority of these are of the single-seater type. The remarks made in connection with the above squadrons apply equally well to this. In November 1913, the machines stationed here were dismantled and stored at St Cyr for the reasons cited above. The aviators were transferred to other squadrons using machines employing the same type control.

Located at the center of Villacoublay are one squadron of Nieuports, one squadron Breguets, and one squadron Morane Saulneir. In addition there are about 60 machines stored on the field, the majority being Farmans, the remainder Astras and Bleriots. These are nearly all old types and would not be serviceable for use in the field against machines of the present day. The sheds are of tent covered frames and wood. These have sufficient space for housing nearly 100 machines, with wings removed. Each of the above named squadrons are adjacent to the civilian schools employing the same type of machine and most of the repair work is done in the civilian work shops. The Army possesses small work shops, but only minor repairs are attempted. The equipment for field service consisting of tru[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]]cks, trailers, etc. are kept in the depot of Meudon, only a sufficient number of trucks being in use to transport the aviators to and from their quarters in Versailles to the