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field. No work as a squadron unit is carried on, nor school work of any kind. Flights are made usually under the best conditions, these being of short duration and in the vicinity of the field. About ten officers are on duty with the squadron of Moranes and approximately thirty with the breguets and Nieuports. As was mentioned above this is a provisional center and the equipment is only temporary.

The center of Versailles is located at St Cyr, about two miles from the city in question. This is permament [[permanent]] and one of the best equipped. Stationed here are both aeroplanes and dirigibles, also a school for training military and dirigible pilots. The equipment consists of 30 wooden aeroplane sheds, two large and one small dirigible sheds (wooden), a very complete hydrogen generating set, barracks, offices &c. The aeroplane sheds provide sufficient space for approximately 60 machines, being o the Farman, Bleriot, R.E.P. and Borel type. This number contains both the one and two-place type, and are equipped with motors ranging from 50 to 80 horse-power. Officers are sent here after completing the preliminary course at the civilian aviation schools and fly until they are prepared to take the test for military aviator. In addition to the practice in flying, some instruction is given in the theoretical study of motors, planes, and meterology [[meteorology]]; also practical work in minor repairs. The requirements for military aviators tests is on file in the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. The dirigibles are the Spiess (rigid type), capacity 20,000 cu.m. and one Clement (no[[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]]n rigid type) of 8000 cu.m. The Spiess is modeled very much after the Zeppelin, having two cars, four motors and four propellers. A full description of this type is on file in the Signal Office. This ship is very unwieldy on the ground, requiring 250 men to handle it in starting and alighting. its action in the air is very good, the officers stating that it handles well. This is the only rigid type now in possession