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tached to the squadron are eqipped with the 80 H.P. Gnome motor. I was informed that these gave sufficient power for all ordinary purposes. Each machine is provided with one spare motor for use in the field. Advantage is taken of the presence of the troops only for a short period in the Summer. 

18. The Army has experienced trouble in obtaining applications from officers to be trained as aviators and in consequence have found it necessary to instruct non-commissioned officers and privates. I am informed that in 1912 there were four hundred applications, while in 1913 there were less than fifty. All foreign countries train non-commissioned officers and soldiers to fly and it seems to be the general belief that in the future, the pilots flying aeroplanes will be non-commissioned officers, while the observers will either be selected from the general staff or specially trained officers of the branch that are to be observed. From information obtainable, it seems that there are at present between five and six hundred qualified pilots in the French Army. Of this number all are not flying, a number having been relieved after periods of service from six months to two years. The extra pay given officers and soldiers on eronautical duty is as follows:-