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     24. I returned to Paris by way of Berlin and had an opportunity while there to visit the Johannisthal field. This is probably the most complete field in the world as regards devices for night flying, its telephone, radio, and technical equipment. The field, which has been scraped and made perfectly level, contains about four square miles. There are 16 aeroplane sheds for use in connection with the school proper. In addition there are 12 aeroplane factories located in the immediate vicinity. The same general type of machine is manufactured by all, (that is the Etrich,) with the exception of the German Wright. Due to the immense number of machines in operation, there are a half dozen starting platforms, and all flights are made under the supervision of a director. For night flying, pylons, about 40 feet high are equipped with search lights. A search light, six feet in diameter, covered with thick glass is located in the center of the field, flush with the ground. Lights forming a triangle show the direction of the wind. Two circles, one of six and the other of twelve feet diameter, fitted with electric lights, indicate to the pilot his height above the ground,-it being only necessary to center the smaller circle within the larger before landing. two dirigible sheds, one being of sufficient size to contain the largest Zeppelin, and the other, the smaller type, is located here. These were under guard and I was unable to obtain permission to inspect them. Germany has systematically developed its planes and motors until at the present time, from the standpoint of endurance, they undoubtedly lead the world. The Mercedes motor, with which the majority of their aeroplanes are equipped, is conceded to be one of the best in the world for endurance work. The monoplanes follow the general design of the Etrich,but are improved a great deal over the Austrian type; steel is used to a large extent in the construction of all machines.