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arrangements, hotels, etc. for the convenience of patrons. Week end meetings are held, the attendance as a rule being very good.

26.- The annual Aeronautical Show was held at the Olympia in connection with the annual Marine Exhibition. The exhibits of the show consisted of aeroplanes, aeroplane-engines, and accessories, boats and marine accessories. The principal aeroplanes exhibited were the Avro (Englis), Bleriot (French), Bristol (English), Clement-Bayard (French) Farman (French copy, English built), Sopwith (English), Vicards (English), and the Wight (English). All of the above English machines exhibited were copied after the French types of machines, with the exception of the tractor biplanes. The Avro Co. showed biplanes of the nacelle and tractor type, the former being very similar to the Farman, the latter being built with the wings forming a slight dihedral, and with a retreat of about six degrees. This is of the tabloid type and a wide speed variation is claimed for it. They are difficult to handle while making turns. This company also builds hydro-aeroplanes, these being similar to the above machines, with the exception that they are equipped with a large float under the fuselage or nacelle, with smaller floats under the end of the wings and rear control. The Bristol Co. showed tractor biplanes, both one and two-seaters. These machines are good for cross-country work, the landing chassis of the two-seater being of four-wheeled type, very heavily built. The Sopwith Aviation Co. showed a 200 H.P. flying boat (Salmson motor); this matching was of the "bat-boat" type, very heavy, weighing about 2300 pounds empty, but claim was made that it could climb 500 feet per minute, while carrying a useful load of about 1000 pounds. The remaining English companies showed machines of monoplane and biplane types that were practically direct copies of the best types of French