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appears on the surface:  that of maintaining not only the political supremacy but also the very existence of the white race.  Old Europe and its feuds, its wars, and, even worse, its commercial piracy, is entirely unable and incapable of carrying on any great effort outside of its own boundaries, nor should it be called upon to do so.  Dud it not stop the Mongolian invasion at the walls of Vienna and then so populate its own valleys, steppes, and lands that it would scarcely pay for anyone else to intrude.  Therefore, it is quite evident that the struggle must be taken up by the white inhabitants of the New World, by the inhabitants of North America, primarily.  The northern continent is gifted by nature to a greater extent than any portion of the earth's surface.  It is rich in coal and iron, while a very great percentage of its superficial area is potentially rich in agriculture, grazing lands and all necessary woods and metals.  The southern continent not only is much smaller than its neighbor to the north but is proportionately very poor in coal, iron, and agricultural spaces, while much is covered with mountains and vast wooded swamps.  Today, the population of the whole of South America is barely one-half that of the United States alone.  The North American continent can, without


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