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without air power these arrangements not only to give a false sense of security, such as the ostrich must feel when he hides his head in the sand. Our air force in the European war lost less than one-tenth of one per cent from ground anti-aircraft defenses of all kinds. Furthermore, when desired, ground defenses can be neutralized easily, particularly if attempting to act independently and not attached to the air force.
    2. I believe, therefore, that should Japan decide upon the reduction and seizure of the Hawaiian Islands, the following procedure would be adopted. Ten submarines would be loaded with six pursuit airplanes and spares each, the airplane crates being made in two segments so that each one could be used as a barge when emptied of its cargo. These crates would be carried as deck loads, the boats would dive only for concealment. Two airplane transports would be provided, each loaded with fifty bombardment planes. These ships could be equipped with a flying--off deck laid down in sections while the transports were in use. These seacraft would be started so as to arrive at the islands of Niihau and Midway respectively on "D" day.
     3. The submarines with the pursuit equipment aboard would
