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At the conclusion of the attack, bombardment will return direct to Niihau and prepare to make similar attack at 2:00 p.m. (No attention is paid to the artillery of position because its greatest effect is against hostile surface seacraft.)
9. Japenese pursuit aviation will meet bombardment over Ford's Island. It will proceed by squadron, one at thirty-five hundred feet altitude approaching Ford's Island from Kaena Point (west), one at five thousand feet altitude from the east and down the sun's rays. Should hostile pursuit fail to appear or be destroyed, airdromes will be attacked with machine guns. The squadron on the alert will be held to defend the airdromes on Niihau. Listening and observation posts will extend as far as the coast of Oahu on submarines and sampans. Rallying point for pursuit: Bar-Ber's Point. Pursuit will be sure that bombardment has completed its mission before leaving the Island of Oahu. Upon the return to Niihau, the pursuit will hold itself ready to deliver an attack at 2:00p.m.
10. I have gone into an attack by an enemy in some detail to show how very easily it can be done by a determined and resourceful enemy. If it is considered that a hostile force can land on
