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is confined to the photographic section and is not done by observation squadron. A photographic section should be by the observation squadron. A photographic section should be primarily used for the purpose of keeping up the photographic equipment, developing photographs, interpenetrating them and distributing them. The Air Intelligence Section should be a part of the Photographic section and not separated as it at present.As long as the policy is maintained of not equipping the observation squadron for photographic, there can be no efficient photographic work done by the Air service. Every Observation ship should be kept capable of taking photographs. A good example of this is the fact that a photographic mosaic of the island of Oahu has been desired by the Department Commander for a long time. With proper organization and equipment this could finished within a month. They been working on it now for a couple and, in accordance with the present method, it is a qustion when it will ever be done. 


1. The military forces in the Hawaiian Islands are Department of Hawaii. This name leads leads in a way to a wrong conception of what they actually are. The command is essentially.