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4. The pursuit aviation should concentrate on individual combat and target practice. By this is meant shooting at moving targets of various kinds of the air and not on the ground. There has been none of this so far here and no place offers a better opportunity.

5. The bombardment aviation should practice on still and moving targets both on shore and at sea with all sizes of bombs. Large dummy bombs can be made of concrete for practice. There should be plenty of flying with loaded ships. Machine gun practice against moving targets, still targets to represent hostile balloon barrages and ground targets should be practiced. A course in radio of all kinds, the use of instruments and particularly bomb sights.

6. The observation aviation should concentrate on radio and signalling and be trained in the tactics of attack aviation.

7. All aviation should be given a very stiff course in map reading, sketching and navigation. This work here has been of the most rudimentary nature. Without proper methods of navigation, position cannot be maintained to and from objects out of sight of land in storms or clouds.
