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nucleus of which will be, Air Force Headquarters - Luke Field - Wheeler Field - Air Supply Depot.
(b) Advance airdromes, equipped with radio and connected with the Air Force radio net, will be established- as operating bases on the Islands of Kauai, Maui and Hawaii.
(c) Emergency fields will be established on Niihau, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoelawe.
(d) Lighthouse positions will be equipped with telephones, and connected with advance airdromes and emergency fields, all occupied lighthouse positions will be numbered.
(e) All commercial radio and wire systems will be placed under Government control, and utilized in conjunction with the Air Force Radio Net.
(f) An Air Force wire system will be established, with direct trunks between Air Force Headquarters, Luke Field, Wheeler Field, Air Supply Depot, and Department Headquarters. Direct trunks will be established between Air Force Headquarters and all anti-aircraft positions.
(g) A chain of six submarines will be established around the Island of Oahu between one hundred and two hundred
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