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serve" is covered by the communications and proceedings above referred to.


1. Predicated upon the following, it is recommended that the Philippine Air Depot be removed to Manila, provided suitable warehousing space can be secured within the Port Area:

(a) The fifty-one DH-4B planes and ten Martin Bombers being shipped to this Department will be flown at Camp Nichols, necessitating the use of two additional hangars and possibly three.
(b) That the 66th Service Squadron carry in their organization equipment, 20% replacements required for the tactical units in this Department.
(c) That the three small hangars used by the Engineering Department of the 66th Service Squadron be held by that Department; that the one hangar now used by the 28th Bombardment Squadron will be insufficient for the needs of that squadron when the Martin Bombers are received; that it would be desirable to secure the hangar now being erected for the Philippine Air Depot for the purpose of housing planes which have been set up.
