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the headquarters and residence of the commander in chief of the military forces.

 8. On the day after our arrival we left Batavia by automobile and drove to Buitenzorg where we were to dine with the Governor General at eight-thirty that evening. The country through which we passed furnished a good example of the development of the whole island of Java. To begin with, the superficial area is about the same as that of Cuba. About half of it is mountainous, and the are about twelve active volcanoes still in existence, many of which are about ten thousand feet high. The soil generally is very rich and is disintegrated volcanic excrete, much like the soil in the Hawaiian Islands. The rainfall is about the same as in the larger Philippine Islands while the temperature is similar to that found in Mindinao in the Philippines. The people are Malays, similar to the Philippines population. There is a strong trace of Aryan Hindu blood, however, which manifests itself in a darkened skin and in more hair on the face and body than is the case with the average Philipine. It will be remembered that the Hindus came to Java in remote antiquity, established political supremacy, and maintained themselves there until ousted by the Arabs in 1475. If an average Javanese were put in a crowd of Filipinos
