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batteries of four guns: one group has the Krupp three inch field guns; one, the Swedish three inch mountain howitzers using the same ammunition as the Krupp. I think that they really are Krupp mountain guns made in Sweden since the war. The third group is armed with the six inch Krupp howitzer, the same efficient weapon that we knew as the 150 during the war. There are some special detachments organized for service in the various islands. All whites are trained for military service. In addition to those now in service, eighteen thousand more can be turned out, giving a total force of thirty thousand whites that can be completely armed and equipped with modern weapons and artillery up to 150's. Fifty thousand natives can be called out who have had military training. Although I had no chance to judge this force from actual inspection, I believe that, on the defensive this organization would give a very good account of itself. On the offensive against modern troops they would not be able to do much due to lack of experience in war. They hold annual maneuvers, are fairly mobile, and, I believe, can maneuver in bodies up to five or six thousand. Naturally their system is quite German in all ways. They are good, vigorous, tenacious men and come of a 
