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from which an attack may be expected. He observes the results of artillery fire, and, by communicating messages to the batteries with which he is co-operating, enables them to select their target and correct their aim. It may safely be said, that, if the air force performed nothing more then reconnaissance, it would still add enormously  to the defensive and offensive powers of the troops on the ground.
20. The value of the air force has been conspicuously demonstrated in operations on the frontier of India where action from the air is able to overcome, in a special degree, well known and formidable difficulties of terrain. The rapidity with which airplanes can carry out an attack constitutes another military advantage of great importance. It is held that the extensive use of the air arm, where this is practicable, is also economical, as the force does not require the maintenance of the same elaborate land lines of communication as are necessary for ground troops. It has indeed been claimed that the air force can be used with success as a primary and independent weapon, in whole or partial substitution for ground troops.
