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Lin and drove him back to Manchuria from Peking but did not pursue his advantage.

13. In looking over the troops of both of these generals, I was more impressed with General Fong's division (a part of Wu Pei Fu's troops) just outside of Peking than with any other troops I saw in Asia. These men are splendid types mentally and physically. From outward appearances they are in a very fine state of discipline and are very precise in their close order movements. They understand the ordinary mechanics of a division of infantry very well. they have tremendous mobility and are in the pink of condition. As the Chinese mind does not think of the element of nationality in the same way that we do, because they consider the spiritual side of their existence to be above political organization, it is questionable whether they will be willing to be killed in a contest among themselves to the same extent that we were willing, for instance, in the Civil War or in the case of the European War. They are very deficient in rifle practice because they use so little ammunition. They hold in reserve all the ammunition that might be used in case of war. They are armed only with their military rifles and three inch artillery. It is a question which side
