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not only in the individual but in large bodies and also may extend to the whole state. The recent action of the populace of Tokyo and Yokohama after the earthquake is a case in point. Their heads were completely lost, thousands of helpless Koreans were killed, simply because they hated them. Some foreigners were also dispose of. This condition may easily extend to the whole state.

48. Another element of unrest at the present time is due to the fact that on account of industrialisation, the standards of the people have been raised to such an extent that whenever commeros subsides from time to time, the expenses of living are so high as to make a great deal of discontent among the works. Binoe the establishment of universal compulsory education, practically all the people can read. They are fed with all sorts of newspapers which, although very strictly controlled by the government, have a good deal of socialistic matter in them. There are many societies which have always more influence at the time of business depression. The present is a period of that kind; the yan is down pretty low, especially compared to the American dollar. The government makes the people believe that it is the American policy of playing
