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hundred ton submarines have been built, twenty-five hundred ton submarines are being built, and it is said that submarines of forty-five hundred tons are contemplated. These large submarines will form excellent auxiliaries to air forces operating on islands. They could act as fuel, ammunitions, and spare parts transports, also as airplane transports.

56. When I went to Nagasaki, in the middle of July, the first battle fleet of the Japanese was in the harbor. This fleet had been manoeuvering in the direction of The Bonin islands for some time and was returning to make a tour of the principal Japanese ports to permit the people to see the ships. This fleet consisted of two battle cruisers, the Kongo and Kirishima two battle ships, the nagato and mutsu, eighteen first line destroyers, and eight submarines, with four supply ships and one submarine tender. They were anchored in the bay from the mouth inward, in the following order: battleships, battle cruisers, light cruisers, destroyers, and supply ships. I saw the fleet move out the morning of July eighteenth. The weather was quite cloudy, with considerable fog, and the visibility rather bad. The first intimation that we had that the craft were moving out was the

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