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General Summerall placed all facilities at my disposal and ordered all commanding officers concerned not only to give me all assistance necessary, but to follow any suggestions that I might make in connection with my work.

After investigating the organization of the Air Force and the air service, I proceeded to an inspection of the Air Service units.

The first organisations inspected were those at Wheeler Field, consisting of the 4th Observation Squadron and the 19th Pursuit Squadron organised into a provisional group. The airdrome is under command of the Division Commander at Schofield Barracks, General Menoher, to whom I reported and was received with the usual ceremonies.

The Air Service is fortunate in having two general officers such as General Summerall and General Menoher with their chiefs of staff, Colonels Hase and Carr, respectively, in this department. All the assistance and consideration possible is shown to our new branch of the service.