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as practicable, the Air Service or observation service with its photographic section should be stationed together, an entirely separate and independent liaison system for the air force should be installed, a tracking board for hostile aircraft should be maintained at air force headquarters and all anti-aircraft organizations, listening posts and searchlight organizations connected with it. All islands should be connected to this point by radio and these should be exclusively under the jurisdiction of the army. (The present system of naval control of radio for those islands is entirely unsatisfactory and will result in great harm during war.) All lighthouse organizations, keepers and tenders should be incorporated in the defense against aircraft observation and liaison net. This personnel is very efficient and is now distributed on practically all the islands. All lighthouses should be connected by telephone with the radio net. A system of airways to all the islands should be installed, with aids to navigation in the form of land marks, beacons and directional radio, each airdrome should have meteorological facilities. (Airways can be installed with greater facility here than in any place I have ever seen.)