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Ehali Bay
Entire island forces on large sheep ranch. Airdrome sites are available in sheep pastures.


[[Rhunaluahai?]]  Northern coast extremely precipitous. Best sites for landing from boats at [[Khumaknini]], and Laau Point. [[foot]]end of island forms large cattle ranch al-most all of which is suitable for airdromes. Dirt read traverses entire[[foot]] end of island. Water is also piped all over the west end. Organized airdrome sites at Hoclchau plain and [[coobe]] Ranch paddock. 


[[Haumlapau?]]  Island occupied by cattle and

The Basin 

sheep ranch and several hundred acres of pineapples. Pineapple interests developing [[Haumalapau]] Harbor. Airdome sites of large proportions throughout the "Basin". 

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