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   He will lead his planes according to circumstances. Provisions for rapid refuelling will be made by equipping each plane with a waggle pump to drag gasoline direct from the drum. Temporary bomb drops will be created in close proximity to the flying line.

   Bombardement aviation will proceed as a group in column of squadrons, aquadrons in "V" formation. Development will not take place until close to target when squadron will form into column.

Night [underline]

   Night attacks will be made similarly to day attacks except that the target may be approached more closely. 

   In case night attack in formation is inadvisable due to thick weather or other causes, planes will be dispatched singly at two minute intervals over a predetermined course. Each plane will be given a number which will be sent, upon return, to the airdrone by means of radio or blinker. This signal will be answered by displaying a green light and lighting the airdrone landing lights until the plane in question has landed.

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