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In both the case of day and night bombardment an observation plane will remain in surveillance of the target, reporting by two way radio to the bombardment leader its movement, destruction, or other information of importance.

(b) Bombardment of Enemy's Shore Establishment.

In addition to the categories listed, bombs carrying mustard and phosgene gas may be used.

Bombardment will proceed as a group in close "V"'s at its coiling. The route will be chosen so as to arrive over the objective with protection of sun or clouds to insure surprise.

(c) Bombardment of Hostile Seacraft- No Hostile Pursuit. 

Each squadron will select a target, bomb it in column until sunk or disable. The altitude most favorable for accuracy will be flown.

(d) Hostile Landing Party. 

Reserves, supports and centers of command will be bombed by flights in column. 

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