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sist of two wings of 300 ships each and one observation and one surveillance squadron each, total of 650 ships.

All air work should be organised as now provided for by law, that is, that the Army handle all aeronautical activities not specifically attached to a fleet. The Commanding General of the Hawaiian Department's jurisdiction should extend to every island of the group, and there should be no doubt about his mission being to protect these islands from hostile attack by every means not attached to a fleet. His jurisdiction should extend 300 miles out to sea and anything coming within 300 miles of these islands should pass under his command. Without assigning a definite mission of this character, there never will be an adequate air defense of these islands, because some one commander must be made responsibly for the air work.

Physical plants should be established as follows: Ford's Island should be entirely assigned to the Army Air Service, and an Air Depot, consisting of supply, repair, and salvage sections, installed at that place. Wharves should be provided for the landing of deep draft ships along side of the depot. A six months supply of all materials, fuel and ammunition should be 

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