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[[2 column table]]
|Lieut. Weiners | D.S. Hawaiian Air Depot . |
|Lieut. Gardner | Squadron Armament and Radio Officer, Survey Officer. |
|Lieut. Moore | Post Maintenance and Utilities Officer, Squadron Adjutant. |
|Lieut. Proctor | Post Athletic Officer. |
|Lieut. Johnson | Ass't Post Police and Prison Officer, Squadron Operations Officer. |
|Lieut. [[Kunkel?]] | Parachute Officer. |
|Lieut. Schram | Squadron Engineer and Athletic Officer. |
|Lieut. Madarass | Agent Finance Officer, Squadron Supply Officer. |
|2nd Lieut. Brand | Lv. Cont. U.S. |
|2nd Lieut. Fishback | Pilot. |

[[/2 column table]]

72nd Bombardment Squadron

[[2 column table]]
|Captain Hoyt | Squadron Commander, Squadron Mess Officer |
|Lieut. Lawson | Post Police and Prison Officer. |
|Lieut. Hegenberger | Pilot |
|Lieut. Colliver | Squadron Armament Officer |
|Lieut. Ennis | Squadron Communications and Operations Officer. |
|Lieut. Ballard | Squadron Engineer Officer. |

[[/2 column table]]

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