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enlisted men up to the high standard of Infantry drills, executions of ceremonies, etc., that is necessary in other branches of the service. The majority of line officers, even in higher grades do not seem to understand this. In other words, all Air Service fields should be run, so far as training is concerned, without interference from higher authority, except, of course, the Air Officer of Chief of Air Service. They should be separate posts whenever possible. It is not generally understood that the officer is the fighting unit in the Air Service and not the enlisted man. An Air Service Field, as far as administration is concerned, should be nothing more nor less than a well organised shop, with the necessary amount of training to insure discipline, promptness, respect for authority, etc. A War Department Order along these lines might help Field Commands. 

4. The quarters situation which is, of course, general, and applies to all commands is most discouraging. Many officers stationed at this Field have to live in Honolulu necessitating the use of their own transportation each day, a very early hour of rising, and returning home in the afternoon. No officer is

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