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Depot, Air, Hawaiian, Inspection of ------ 166
Description of Hawaiian Group ------------  29
Difficulties of Operation ---------------- 157
Disarmament Conference -------------------  25
Diversion of Funds and Hangars ----------- 152
Eleventh Photo Section ------------------- 130
England and the Pacific Problem ----------  21
Establishment of Military Base -----------  24
                          Depot ----------  25
Fanning Island ---------------------------  42
Fifth Composite Group -------------------- 128
Fords Island -----------------------------  39 - 50
Fourth Observation Squadron -------------- 123
Funds and Hangars, Diversion of ---------- 152
Gas Bombs --------------------------------  33
    Use of -------------------------------  39
Gliding Bombs ----------------------------  33
Great Britain and the Pacific ------------  16
          Philippines --------------------  21
Ground Defense ---------------------------  99