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Medical attention, ambulance airplanes, French  454
Equipment, Breguet ambulance airplanes, French 453
Installation of, ambulance airplanes, British  819
Mercedes engines, Dutch 680
German  654
Mercury vapor lamps for fabric testing, Italian 537
Mesopotamia  732 - 801 - 880
Metal airplanes, description of, British 823
Marchetti, Italian  510
Construction, Bolton and Paul, British 822
Breguet, French  447 - 901
"Leviathan", French 450
British 711
Comment on, British 712
Dornier, German 646 - 649 - 901
Duralumin, Junkers, German 653
Farman, French 474
Fokker  901
French  315 - 316 - 322 - 323 - 326
Fuselage, Dornier, German 640
German  587
Hanriot, French  480
Italian  510 - 511 - 526
Junkers  901
Morane Saulnier, French 467
Potes, French 460
Protection of, French  336
Recommendations on  900
Short Brothers 902
Staaken, German  650
Steel 903
Dornier, German  642
Wibault  901
Wings, Dornier, German  640
Zeppelin-Dornier Company, German  639
Metal covering on seaplanes, Savois, Italian 544
Duralumin for aircraft, French  482
Fittings, French  376