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Racks, bomb, external, French                           319
             French                         372 - 408 - 455
             Internal, French                           318
             Recommendations on                         907
             Release mechanism for, French              374
             Specifications for, French                 373
             Standardized, French                       371
       Magazine, for Lewis machine guns, French         368
Hadial engines, Breda, Italian                          585
                British                           725 - 854
Radiator protection, French                             351
Radiators, ambulance airplanes, British                 810
           Annular fin, French                          447
           British                                      713
           De Haviland 34, British                      772
           French                                       342
           Interchangeability of, French                350
           Italian                                      526
           Lamblin, British                             774
                    French      439 - 451 - 459 - 465 - 497
                          Construction of               498
                          Cost of                       498
                          Shipment of                   498
                          Supports for                  498
                    Italian                       579 - 581
                    Parts of, forwarded to A. S. Engineering 
                         Division                       498
                    Recommended purchased               909
           Machine gun, French                          412
           Oil, French                            331 - 349
           Replacement of, French                       340
           Short Brothers, British                      626
           Siddeley "Siskin" airplanes, British         864
           Surface of, French                           489
           Water, French                          331 - 349
Hadie cabin, Farman "Goliath", French                   471
      Equipment, Italian                    520 - 523 - 527
      German                                            589
      Set, French                                       471