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Reliability of engines, French                      333
Remarks about dirigibles, German                604-613
     General, French airplanes                      411
Removable landing gears, British                    718
     Seats, armored, French                         387
          French                                    402
     Silencers, French                              353
     Tanks                                          905
          French                    316-388-401-403-408
Renault engines, British                            774
          French                345-451-455-463-475-568      
          600 bis, recommended purchased            909
Repairs to Junkers airplanes, German                655
Replacement, French                                 325
          Of motor, French                          342
          Specifications for, French                340
Report, B.M.W. motors, German                   658-667
     General Mitchell's, reference to               477
     Technical, conclusions on                      896
     Weather, commercial aviation, British          893
Requirements, airplanes, pursuit, French            384
          French armored airplanes                  317
          Gasoline, for French airplanes            316
          General, French                           381
Research development, German aircraft constructions,    resumé of                                           587
               Resumé of, British                   705
               Technical, Italian                   308
     Work of the British                            706
Reserve oil, in circulation, French                 345
Resistance factors, French                          320
     Parasite, French                               330
               Wibault bomber, French               464
     Relative, measurement of, British              705
     Structural static, French                      337
     Torsional, French                              338
Results, laboratory, French                         320
Resumé of British research development              705
     French research development                    315
     German research development in aircraft           construction                                        587
     Italian aeronautical activities                505