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Tubing, petro flex, description of, British                       871
        Steel, distortion of, Fokker, Dutch                       684
        Welded steel                                              903
Tubular construction, French                                      324
        Spars, Junkers, German                                    655
Tulip wood construction, Nieuport 29, French                      438
                         Spad, French                             429
Tunnel, wind, British                                             705
              French                                              413
              Issy des Moulineux, experimental chamber of, French 415
              Italian                                             509
        Wing, French                                              327
Turbo compressor, French                                          332
Turnbuckles, specifications for, French                           339
Turn indicator, French                                            473
Twin-motored type, French                                         317
Two-seater Spad, French                                           321
Type specifications, French                                       380
                     Italian                                      519

Ultimatum, May 5, 1921                                            587
Undercarriage, De Haviland 29, British                            770
                           34, British                            772
               Short Brothers, British                            825
U. S. Navy, see "Navy, U. S."
Useful load of Zeppelins, German                                  635
Use of dirigibles, German                                     614-630
Usuelli, Italian engineer                                     517-539

Valves, "Condor" engines, British                                 750
        Meteorological pilot ballons, French                      501
        Needle, French                                            351
        Oil pressure, French                                      348
        Specifications for, French                                340
Variable pitch propellers, British                                728
Varnishes, protective, French                                     336
Varying pressures, British                                        709
Velocity, high, French                                            320
Velocity of wind, indication of, British                          894