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Voltage regulator, French 377
"W" engines 899
Walls, fire, British 726
War, effect of, on Germany 505
Material, disposal of, Fiat Company, Italian 556
Warm oil injection, French 348
Warren truss, German 640
In Fiat CR, Italian 563 - 565
On aerial bomb, Italian 515
Wing truss, Hacchi seaplane, Italian 551
War supplies, Italian 505
Work of dirigibles, German 614 - 630
Washers, rubber, for Petes landing gear, French 461
Watch, French 362
Water pump for "Condor" engines, British 758
French 349 - 489
Weather indications, system of, British 894
Reports, commercial aviation, British 895
Weight carrier, Caproni, Italian 575
Horsepower ratio, French 487
Siddeley "Siskin" airplanes, British 863
Petro flex tubing, British 873
Welded joints, Fokker, Dutch 694
Steel tubing 903 - 904
Fokker, Dutch 676
Welding, attitude of British towards 712
Augogenous, Fokker, Dutch 689
Spot, Fokker, Dutch 694
Wheels, French 341
Junkers, German 656
Recommendations on 907
Specifications for, French 340
Unusual, commercial airplanes, Spad, French 429
Whirling arm, French 417
Italian 538
Wibault all-metal bomber, French 465
Bombardment airplane, French 324
Recommended purchased 909
Company, French 324 - 419 - 463