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conditions in the World War. It is still being developed and used by the French Air Service. The types of construction used in the Breguet Leviathan represents a departure from the orthodox method but is too complicated to be practical.

The Potez Company has been working on a different adaptation of metal construction in their later models. They are principally prototypes of some of their earlier machines. Their master constructions ideas are principally towards the use of duralumin shapes such as channels and angles with gusset joint construction as their characteristic interpretation. Very satisfactory physical evidence of this type of construction has already been produced and tests being conducted will tell how well adapted this type of construction is under field conditions for production, accessibility and maintenance. Their motor mountings are complicated although they are very robust. They build the engine in, frame fashion, and employ a great number of rivets.

One of their latest models is a three-motored bombardment or passenger-carrying plane with is their best interpretation of the French three-motored, long distance, night bombardment specifications requiring a central fuselage with twin wing motor installation. I believe that tubing is far more economical from a structural standpoint

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