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COMPENSATION OF MULTI-MOTORED PLANES - In the multi-motored airplanes, a contrivance will be provided to permit counteracting the unbalancing effect from the stopping or the loss of power of any of the motors without subjecting the pilot to additional fatigue. An example of this is a compensator on the rudder bar to prevent the plane turning to the right or left.

LONGITUDINAL EQUILIBRIUM - An airplane with a full load should be balanced longitudinally for ordinary flight conditions with the motor turning at its normal revolutions. Of course this means at the altitude for which it was designed. It must not be tail heavy or nose heavy.

MANOEUVERABILITY - Response to controls should be very easy so that the airplane will not be fatiguing to the pilot. The effort required by the pilot should always be proportionate to the effect desired.

This result is easily obtained by using an ailerons, elevators or rudders, mobile surfaces relatively long and narrow, partially balaned and combined with carefully considered fixed surfaces placed before the movable surfaces.

In all cases, the three controls should be designed to require a similar amount of muscular effort in the different evolutions of the airplane.